Thursday, April 26, 2012

final days

Our trip to Cyprus was really a great time. Our Bible school there has grown since we were there in January and the students are eager for fellowship and encouragement. They usually show video classes twice a week, but now they had a chance to receive some live teaching from Pastor Julian Timofte and I. We can really see the work of God on that island and we have a vision to see Greater Grace there permanently. Pray that God will raise up a team and a pastor who will go.

Back in Istanbul.

Here we are enjoying our last days together in the Bible school. Soon we will disperse and head back to our respective locations, enjoying and applying the Words of Life we have received here. It has been a month full of divine appointments and character building. I am looking forward to returning to Helsinki and seeing what the Lord has been doing there this past month while I was away. Great things, I am sure. Pray for us.

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