Sunday, August 19, 2012

small things

A couple weeks ago a group of us from Helsinki headed west to a small town in the countryside of Finland called Yläne. We have a man there from our church in Turku who conducts a Bible study in the local library every week. He invited us to bring a group of people to play soccer with them and have a few bible studies throughout the weekend. We had an amazing time and got to meet new people who showed up at our meetings. Small towns, small groups of people, but we are a part of God's Great Work. Thank you Lord!

The first two pictures shown here are of a group of young people whom we met during our time of evangelism in Yläne.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

final days

Heading back to Finland on Friday, it's been an amazing time. The meetings have been powerful. Tonight we spoke on how Christ delivers us from a shallow, self-centered life and gives us depth in His love, people in exchange for our lives (Isa. 43:4) The room was full, very encouraging time. Of course we know that the devil hates this work and he loves to "flex his muscles". His attacks are very timely, subtle, and strange. Thank God, we have overcome him...let's live in that victory. Pray for Turkey.