Friday, May 13, 2011

Into the schools

So for the past 9 months or so, we have been really praying for God to open doors to go into schools here in Finland where we could share the gospel to students. We approached some doors only to find them shut. It didn't seem to be a real possibility by sight, but we kept on believing that God would make a way for us to realize this vision.
This morning I received a call from a Religion teacher at a public middle school in Espoo. He told me that he had met Pastor Juha at some event and heard that I was planning on sharing my faith in the schools here. He has invited me to come this Monday morning to teach a 90 minute lesson on the topic of "What the Bible means to Christians in their lives." Praise God!
Please keep this great endeavor in your prayers this weekend.


mommalaflamme said...

OPEN YOUR MOUTH and I WILL FILL IT !!! God is good and we will be praying for open hearts!

mommalaflamme said...

We are waiting to hear how it went in the schools!! Post away young man!

Arto said...

Really! Awesome, how it went?

The Steins said...

Awesome Matt!
Also, love the Bruins jersey in the living waters site. ha.