Monday, August 9, 2010


I've been surprised at the questions I've received here in Sweden, especially from young people. I was witnessing in the center here in Stockholm a couple weeks ago and I stopped to give a couple tracks to some interesting looking teenagers. They were in somekind of "emo" group, whatever that is. There were skateboards flying around, cigarettes lighting up, and kids doing some really obnoxious things. However, in the midst of all this craziness there were a few guys who called to me and said "What are you doing, what's this paper all about?" I went on to explain what I what I was doing and they asked me to sit with them and talk about God. One of them had really been putting a lot of thought into it and had some great questions about Jesus and who he was and why Christianity is the only right belief system. We sat and talked for almost an hour until I had to leave.

One of the kids that I'm living with here, a sixteen year-old named Teodor (Teddy), had been talking with his friends about Christianity. They had many questions that he didn't feel equipped to answer so he asked me if I would meet with them. So we went down to the nearest soccer field and they came, about 7 of them. We played a little soccer and then Teddy said, "I think they want to listen to you now." So we sat and they began to ask me all kinds of questions about Christianity, God, miracles, heaven, hell, etc. It was amazing. I was really impressed with their searchings of heart and how much they had been thinking about these subjects. It was proof to me that God is really moving in the people of europe. I will continue to keep these kids in prayer and wait on God to draw them to Himself and put people in their life that will prod them with the gospel.

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